A look at my inbox

It's that time of year when college profs become swamped and run as fast as Penske trucks on the Bonneville Salt Flats. So, I'm going to cheat with this entry and let my readers write it. Here's a peek into my inbox:
Comment: “…she is an extremely talented writer, though not much of a speller.”
- from my editor in the mid-Atlantic when he recommended my blog site to other professional colleagues.
My Response: So trew!
Comment: “I am extremely disappointed in the low star rating you gave Missouri. ….we have highlights not mentioned in your journal. How about the Precious Moments Chapel?”
- from a reader and my favorite paramedic outside of metro St. Louis
My Response: Now I know where to book my next speaking engagement! I will come back to Missouri for a second look. By the way, I don’t think being afraid of the creaking tram at the Gateway Arch counts as giving your whole state a low star rating. Didn’t I rave about The Fiesty Bulldog?
Comment: “I write high concept but you live it. A contest for a free vacation that turns out to be help moving across the country? If you don’t write this one I will.”
- from a screenwriting colleague in central Virginia
My Response: The treatment is already registered with WGA(w). Keep working on your hermaphroditic priest story. It’s fresh, it’s funny, and best of all, it’s yours.
Comment: “If professors were like you when I was young I would have gone to college instead of becoming a rock star. I’m hot for teacher.”
- from a reader with delusions of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction.
My Response: I’m sorry, Mr. Van Halen, but “Your hair makes me think of sex” is still the worst pick up line.
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